
Showing posts from September, 2008

Recipe: Steamed Mussels with Herbs in a White Wine Broth

I have been craving mussels for the longest time. I actually had them twice in the last several weeks but neither meal satisfied me. The first time was at a very popular restaurant in New Orleans, they were not properly prepared with a rather bland broth- I had high expectations so very very disappointing. The second time was better, but still seriously lacking in flavor. So a couple of weeks ago, having not much on my agenda I set out to make them for myself. Which in the end isn't really so surprising- sometimes with my tendencies towards perfection I have to do things for myself in order to achieve my desired result. Since my recent change in occupational status, I have been taking lessons on relaxing and being idle- two new teachers, both very amusing and quite entertaining. This is all taking place about five minutes from home in a coffee shop- the one I used to go to before work every morning and on my way home from work in the afternoon. Rather ironic- now I go there